Saturday, April 20, 2013

It has been too long since I updated this blog but I haven't done anything worth posting on my car. I am planning on get her roadworthy before August. I want to take her to Speed Week @ The Bonneville Salt Flats. I do alot of photography there. I still have too much to do and little time to do it but I will try and post some new pix soon. It's high time I get this car ready to drive this summer. I recently purchased a tubing  roller to do some custom work. Need to build a stand for it then finish some custom bumpers. The ones in the pix now are just the mockups. Plenty of welding and grinding to do also. Carbs need rebuilt and engine reassembled. Brake line supports relocated on the front. Gas take plumbed. So much to do!! Ok.....that's it for now. Bugratt.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Update 6-19-2010

FINALLY!!! Had some time and money to work on my car. Towed it over to a friends house and worked on the front fender mounts and brackets today. Had to do some fab work on a backing plate to mount everything to and it turned out great. Better than expected!! I took pics to show the progress and hope you can see them well. As you can tell from my postings...or lack of....the car didn't get done last season. Time and money ran out. When it's something you don't have to have it easily takes a back seat to Local car show is comin up the 4th of July weekend and if we get the brackets for both sides done I will still take it as "a work in progress" again this year. I can't believe the responce from last year though...amazing. My brother took a beautiful '67 Dodge Cornet convertible 440 car...( an 80,000 dollar car!!)..and mine got as much attention as it did!! I was shocked to say the least. Everyone who stopped asked me many questions and said.." About time someone did something different!!" I was amazed at the questions and all the pics that were taken. So if we can get abit more done in the next week or so I will show her again. I will post the pics in the next few weeks when I have more time. Thanks for looking and please come back and check to see how I'm doin! Leave a comment if you can. Terry/Bugratt

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1-27-10 update

Ok's still to cold and snowy to do anything since i'm working out of the driveway so no progress on the build...but i am ordering things. i ordered my gas tank yesterday. 10X33 spun aluminum fuel cell. center full. i have a custom idea for the filler on this car but i have to wait till i get the tank to see if it's going to work.going to be some cuttin and fab work for the filler so not sure yet. well..thats it for now. i will try and update again soon. thanks for checkin in. come back soon and see where i have gotten to. Terry/Bugratt

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Volksrod Project Update-9-20-09

It's been awhile since my last update. The Volksrod is on hold for the moment. Overtime cutbacks at work and some lost interest have me at a standstill on the car for now. I had descided to paint the car satin black and red but that wasn't my original choice. Now that the cars on hold for winter I am going back to my first plan. The cars going to be satin black with copper accents. The front fenders and some body parts on the car are going to be copper plated. I have already talked to the plating company and it shouldn't be too very expensive to have this done (less than a grand Now I have to design and cutout some accents for the car to be coppered so the fenders and body mods/accents will bring the car all together. Not sure yet just how much I'm going to get done before winter comes. I will try and keep this blog updated better even though I don't know what is going to get done in the winter months. If you have been following this build sorry for the delay in updates. I hope to unveil this car in the spring now. Just check back before spring and I hope to have a date/car show to let you know when it's going to be shown for the first time. Thanks again for following my Volksrod build!! Terry/Bugratt

Saturday, July 11, 2009

7-11-09 my volksrod build update

Its been a bit since I updated my blog. I have done some good work on my car and took it to a car show as "work in progress". WOW!! I can hardly believe the responce I got about my car. So many people looking and taking pictures. Asking alot of questions. I was very surprised and pleased. Now I know for sure I'm doing the right Everyone liked the front bumper and headlights. They are different. The front bumper took me about 3 hours from paper to designed and welded up. All in my driveway. I'm still not sure where the turn signals are going to be mounted. More than likely off the top of the shock towers. I still have to fix and connect the steering yet. I'm currently working on the back bumper now. Have it started and working on where all the lights and tags will go. I still have to cut off the ends where I want them to stop but I'm not sure yet where that is going to The rear deck lid is going to be filled in and smooth. nothing is going to be mounted to the body on the back of the car. It looks good smooth I think. With the wide fenders it looks really fide too. I like the look.I'm going to take it to another show next weekend(the 18th of July) and see what Thats it for now. Check out the pics and come back and check in again soon to see how its going. Thanks for lookin' !!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

6-25-09 my volksrod build- update

Ok...I brought my car back to my house to try and get more done before the car show.Corey's shop is about a 20 minute ride from my house. This way I can just go outside and work and it's convient to home. Today I fabbed up a front bumper. I just started drawing and working with some ideas and this is what I came up with so far. I'm not done yet. I only have about 3 hours in it so far. I still have to figure out how I want to mount my headlights.I have and idea I'm gonna try tomorrow. I'm making the front bumper removable so if I have to tow it I can just unbolt it ,unplug my lights and hook-up the tow bar. Got my new headlights in. THEY ARE SWEET!! (they better be for the price!!) I think the lights are really gonna help make this car. Thats it for today. If it doesnt rain tomorrow like they say...I'll get the front bumper done then. Till then..thanks for checkin in on my project!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6-13-09 my volksrod build-update

Not as much done as I'd like. Got one side of the frontend back together today(6-13-09) Now I can work on the fender brackets! It looks like it's not going to be as bad as we first thought about the design of these brackets.Looks like we can just use longer backing plate bolts and bolt through the plate and spindle into the new fender brackets.Just have to grind a bit on the upper arm where as it has a "bump" cast into it and thats the only clearance problem we see. Using3/4 rubber hose for the spacer for the clearance of the fender. Just taped it on the tire and set the fender on it to figure out the bracket lengths. The arms for the other side should be in by the 16th so I can get this thing rollin Next is the steering changes we need to make. Thats it for now. More by next weekend. Thanks for checkin' on my build!!