Saturday, June 19, 2010

Update 6-19-2010

FINALLY!!! Had some time and money to work on my car. Towed it over to a friends house and worked on the front fender mounts and brackets today. Had to do some fab work on a backing plate to mount everything to and it turned out great. Better than expected!! I took pics to show the progress and hope you can see them well. As you can tell from my postings...or lack of....the car didn't get done last season. Time and money ran out. When it's something you don't have to have it easily takes a back seat to Local car show is comin up the 4th of July weekend and if we get the brackets for both sides done I will still take it as "a work in progress" again this year. I can't believe the responce from last year though...amazing. My brother took a beautiful '67 Dodge Cornet convertible 440 car...( an 80,000 dollar car!!)..and mine got as much attention as it did!! I was shocked to say the least. Everyone who stopped asked me many questions and said.." About time someone did something different!!" I was amazed at the questions and all the pics that were taken. So if we can get abit more done in the next week or so I will show her again. I will post the pics in the next few weeks when I have more time. Thanks for looking and please come back and check to see how I'm doin! Leave a comment if you can. Terry/Bugratt

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1-27-10 update

Ok's still to cold and snowy to do anything since i'm working out of the driveway so no progress on the build...but i am ordering things. i ordered my gas tank yesterday. 10X33 spun aluminum fuel cell. center full. i have a custom idea for the filler on this car but i have to wait till i get the tank to see if it's going to work.going to be some cuttin and fab work for the filler so not sure yet. well..thats it for now. i will try and update again soon. thanks for checkin in. come back soon and see where i have gotten to. Terry/Bugratt